NHOU Boss Wax. Can

NHOU Boss Wax. Can




BOSS WAX® is a fast-curing, powerful, heavy-duty rust inhibitor, professionally applied
to the undercarriage of new vehicles to provide lifetime protection against corrosion.
The exclusive Boss Wax® coating provides lifetime protection and is backed by a transferrable warranty when applied by an NHOU® Authorized Applicator. After NHOU® Boss Wax® is applied to all external undercarriage parts, NHOU® Clear Oil Undercoating is sprayed into all cavities and moving parts to complete the process.

1. Apply only to new vehicles—the surface must be dry, clean, and completely rust-free
2. If undercarriage has been exposed to road salt or liquid de-icing materials, wash with NHOU® Salt-Brine Eliminator™
(NHOU® Part #NHSB-1) and allow drying overnight
3. Remove any grease from undercarriage using denatured alcohol and a clean cloth
4. Use aluminum foil, kraft paper, or drop cloth to avoid overspray on glass, painted surfaces, exhaust, electrical connectors, and fan belts
5. Apply with an undercoating gun (NHOU® Part #7659) in a well-ventilated area, using an organic vapor air-purifying respirator
6. Spray on all exposed surfaces achieving 100% coverage with a minimum of two passes
7. At 70° F, the surface will be dry to the touch in 1 hour (overspray coverings may be removed), and fully cured in 4 hours
8. After NHOU® Boss Wax™ has cured, apply NHOU® Clear Oil Undercoating to all cavities—avoiding exhaust system and rubber weather-stripping
9. Clean equipment by circulating water through the spray gun and using a mild detergent on the vehicle’s painted surfaces
10. 24-month inspections should be performed—reapplying NHOU® Boss Wax™ to any breaches in the surface, and spraying NHOU® Clear Oil Undercoating in all cavities